Dental Nurse Training
Meet The Tutor
Level 1 & 2 Cerification
First Aid Basic Life Support
Learn how to preserve life, prevent injuries worsening and promote recovery
Level 3 Award
Management of
Know how to recognise a casualty with anaphylaxis
Be able to manage a casualty who is breathing normally
Learning Disability Awareness
Ensure that you understand Learning Disabilities and are aware of its causes.
Infection Control Advanced
Increase your knowledge of infections, outbreaks, pandemics and the relevant legislation.
UV Hand Hygiene Training
Oxygen Therapy
Know the guidelines for use of oxygen therapy
Be able to administer oxygen therapy
Autism Awareness
Understand more about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and how to assist those on the autistic spectrum.
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberties Awareness
Increase your knowledge of the mental capacity act and deprivation of liberties, as well as the relevant legislation.